Green Car News

  • S-Oil's HERE balloon program for saving gas in parking lots

    Sometimes the best ideas are also the simplest. That was our first thought on seeing one gas-saving idea from nothing less than an oil company in South Korea. Called the HERE balloon, it's oil giant S-Oil's way of reducing the time drivers spend looking for a space in a large parking lot--and therefore, the gas they waste while doing so. It's amazingly simple. Bright yellow arrow-shaped balloons are tied to every parking space. When a car is parked, it pulls the balloon's tether down so it's not visible to those scanning for spaces. But in empty spaces, the balloon is high enough that it can...

  • GreenWing eSpyder electric aircraft (Image: GreenWing International)
    Fun For $40,000? Electric Plane Beats Electric Car Every Time...

    $40,000 will get you plenty of electric cars these days, including the recently-unveiled 2014 BMW i3. They can be fun on the right road, and it's great knowing you aren't using any gas... but there have to be bigger electric thrills elsewhere, right? The GreenWing eSpyder could be what you need to...

  • 2014 BMW 3-Series Sports Wagon (European spec)
    2014 BMW 328d Diesel Gas Mileage, Prices Revealed [Update]

    Want an indication of just how quickly gas mileage is improving? Consider the 2011 BMW 335d. BMW's last diesel 3-Series model achieved a respectable 36 mpg on the highway and an unimpressive 23 mpg city, for a combined 27 mpg figure. The 2014 BMW 328d's gas mileage figures have just been revealed...

  • Land Rover Electric Defender at the Eden Project, Cornwall
    Land Rover's Electric Defender Proves Its Worth At UK's Eden Project

    Land Rover's iconic Defender has proved itself many thousands of times over by now on everything from farms to off-road endurance rallies to the battlefield. Its latest task is a little more relaxed than those duties, but then the powertrain is a little different too. Land Rover's first electric...

  • Algaeus, a 2008 Toyota Prius plug-in hybrid conversion running on biofuel blended from algae
    Biofuel Company Latest To Pay Off Government Loan Early

    Government lending to green technology companies has been a political hot potato in recent years. Huge loans were offered to dozens of companies. Automakers, solar companies, biofuel concerns and more received money, but high-profile failures like Solyndra lent credence to those critical of the...

  • 2012 Toyota Prius C
    Toyota: We Sell Six In Every Ten Hybrids In California

    California loves its hybrids. And according to figures from Toyota, it loves their hybrids more than anyone else's. A full 61 percent of new hybrids sold in California are from the Toyota brand, despite tough and growing competition from marques like Ford. The Blue Oval places second in...

  • Former Fisker of Bellevue, Washington, dealership, closed as of July 2013 [photo: Brian Henderson]

    Remember Fisker Automotive, the startup carmaker that sold the $106,000 luxury range-extended electric sport sedan called the Karma? Hang onto your memories, because the physical traces of Fisker's existence are vanishing quickly. These photos show what's happening to the dealership that was formerly Fisker of Bellevue, outside Seattle, Washington. Photos on the locational website Foursquare show what the dealer looked like last year, when it was in business. The Foursquare page for Fisker of Bellevue now carries a discrete "Now Closed" notice. Parking spots out front that used to say "Fisker...

  • Terry Hershner's 2012 Zero electric motorcycle (Image: Off The Grid on Facebook)
    Across The Country In 5 Days--On An Electric Motorcycle

    Little fuels a passion for travel like a cross-country trip. Perhaps "fuels" is the wrong word though, as it's not unusual to see people attempt U.S. crossings using electrons these days. Terry Hershner has done just that, though not in the air-conditioned luxury of a Tesla Model S. Instead, his...

  • Natural-gas vehicle prototypes, Los Angeles, May 2013 - group shot at Playa del Rey storage field
    Senate Bill Boosts CAFE Ratings For Natural-Gas Vehicles With Gasoline Backup

    A new bill in the U.S. Senate would amend Corporate Average Fuel Economy rules to encourage production of a new class of natural-gas vehicles with "reserve" gasoline tanks. As demonstrated in a drive of prototype vehicles earlier this year, the range-extended natural gas cars would run for perhaps...

  • 2014 BMW i3
    2014 BMW i3 Range Extender: Heavier, Less Electric Range, Less Performance

    Electric or range-extended electric? It's a choice that normally means selecting between entirely different cars, but when the 2014 BMW i3 debuts in the U.S. next Spring customers will be able to choose both options in the same car. The range-extended option marks out the i3 as a competitor for...

  • 2013 Peugeot RCZ R
    Nickel-Zinc Replaces 12-Volt Lead-Acid Battery In Peugeot Start-Stop System

    Some of the most exciting hybrid technology isn't coming from Japan or the U.S. these days, but France. The PSA group, comprising Peugeot and Citroen, has already attracted plenty of attention for its hybrid-air technology. Now, it's looking for ways of improving the batteries in "micro hybrid"...

  • Ray Lane takes delivery of the first Fisker Karma
    Why Silicon Valley Venture Firm Kleiner Perkins Bet On Fisker, Not Tesla

    Venture capitalists fund a lot of startup companies, and most of them don't pan out. So famed venture firm Kleiner Perkins' stake in Fisker Automotive--which is still trying to sell itself, but hasn't built a car for 12 months--could be viewed as just another failed investment. On the other hand...

  • 2014 Ford F-150 fitted with natural-gas readiness package

    Ford is the latest automaker to offer a natural gas fuel option for its best-selling pickup truck range. The 2014 Ford F-150 will be offered with a natural gas (CNG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) preparation option aiding installation of a suitable fuel system at qualified third-party installers. Available for the 3.7-liter V-6 engine, the 2014 F-150 will be the first half-ton pickup to gain such an option--although natural gas versions of larger heavy-duty pickups are sold by Chevrolet, GMC and Ram. While the package costs only $315 and consists of hardened valves, valve seats, pistons...

  • 2013 Nissan Leaf electric car tested as taxi in New York City, April 2013
    One New York Cabbie Loves His Nissan Leaf Electric Taxi

    There can be few tougher tests for a car than as a taxi in New York City. Tough roads and even tougher traffic makes the city a workout for any vehicle, but one cabby is enjoying the Nissan Leaf he's driving as part of the city's electric vehicle trials. In fact, driver Uppkar Singh Thind described...

  • 2013 Chevrolet Volt and 2011 Nissan LEAF
    How We Became An All-Plug-In Electric Car Household

    Since November 2006, our family has always owned at least one plug-in car and one powered by gasoline. For almost two years, our fleet has been a Nissan Leaf electric hatchback, and a used 2008 Toyota Prius. After two years and nearly 42,000 miles of driving the Leaf, however, our once high-tech...

  • Zachary Nelson and Ford's haptic gear shifter technology (Image: Video screen grab)
    Want To Improve Manual Gas Mileage? Haptic Shift Knob Tech Could Help

    The humble automatic transmission has come along in leaps and bounds over the year, and modern systems are often more efficient than their manual equivalents. For the manual gearbox itself, economy is still very much down to "the nut behind the wheel", so anything that optimizes a driver's shift...

  • 2013 Tesla Model S
    Tesla In China: Promised Land, Huge Risks...Or Both?

    Despite its pollution problems, China has never shown much interest in the electric car and sales have been a mere fraction of a fraction of the country's huge new car market. Not that Tesla Motors [NSDQ:TSLA] CEO Elon Musk is put off by unfavorable odds, as he pushes towards Tesla sales in China...

  • China
    China Takes Air Pollution More Seriously: $280 Billion Worth, Supposedly

    We cover China's air pollution problems with depressing frequency on Green Car Reports, but the country's pollution problems have until now been far more than token schemes are able to deal with. That could change over the next few years, as the Chinese government pledges to invest $283 billion to...

  • 2013 Nissan Leaf (Japanese trim)

    Several Japanese automakers have announced a joint project to install charging stations across their home country. Toyota, Nissan, Honda and Mitsubishi will work with each other and existing charging companies to drastically increase the number of regular and quick chargers across Japan, paving the way for higher electric vehicle adoption. The existing network of 1,700 fast chargers and just over 3,000 regular charging points will grow significantly, with plans for more than 4,000 fast chargers and over 8,000 regular stations. These are likely to be spread among commercial facilities such as...

  • 2008 Toyota Prius
    Prices For Used Hybrids, Small Cars Drop As New Car Sales Boom

    As you've probably discovered when hunting in the classified adverts for a used fuel-efficient vehicle, the latest batch of hybrids and small cars holds its value quite well. With high gas prices and limited supply, that's not much of a surprise. But the situation is getting better, and it's thanks...

  • 2013 Toyota Prius
    Toyota Prius Vs. Ford C-Max Hybrid: Pros And Cons

    For several years, Toyota had the hybrid market pretty much sewn up with its Prius. Okay, so it never reached the heady economy highs of the original Honda Insight, but it was far more practical and electric running made it the hybrid of choice in city driving. That's until the Ford C-Max Hybrid...

  • 2014 BMW i3
    2014 BMW i3 Electric Car: Full Details And Images Released

    We won't see them in the States until early next year, but today the 2014 BMW i3 electric car was revealed in production form to the world at large. Some images had already leaked, and BMW had previously released some specifications and also information on the i3's connectivity and navigation...

  • 2014 Hindustan Ambassador BS4 diesel
    New Clean-Ish Diesel For World's Oldest Production Car (In India)

    You've likely never heard of a Hindustan Ambassador--and unless you're an old British-car geek, you've certainly never seen a Morris Oxford Series III. But the Ambassador--fondly known as the "Amby"--is both India's de facto taxi cab and the oldest production car in the world. Now it's been fitted...

  • Solar Panels by Flickr user Chandra Marsono
    Electric Utilities Now Fighting Home Solar As Threat To Their Business

    For owners of electric vehicles, powering their homes and cars using solar panels mounted on the roof are a win-win scenario. Not only do they get to drive past every gas station, but home electricity bills are reduced or even eliminated. That's great news for the end user, but not so much for the...

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