
  • 2011 Chevrolet Volt 240V charging station

    We all know that once purchased, electric cars are much cheaper to run than their gasoline counterparts, but how do you make sure you’re not paying more than you need to for the privilege of charging up at home? We’ve given it some thought and come up with five top tips to help you pay keep your domestic electricity bill low and perhaps even charge your electric car for free. Switch Tariffs Different states have different regulations when it comes to utility regulation, but many states now offer ‘time of use’ tariffs. Essentially, these tariffs offer consumers a much...

  • 2012 Ford Fiesta customization pack
    High-MPG 2012 Ford Fiesta: More Style With New Customization Packs

    To keep interest in its 40 mpg capable Fiesta bubbling along into the 2012 model year, Ford is introducing a trio of new customization packs for both the exterior and cabin of the already stylish minicar. The new packs should prove popular as around 40 percent of buyers of the 2011 model have opted...

  • John Duncan takes delivery of one of the first 2011 Nissan LEAF EVs, near Portland OR, 12/15/2010
    Earthquake Update: Nissan to Resume Vehicle Production “While Supplies Last”

    A little under two weeks ago Japan was hit by one of the biggest earthquakes ever recorded. Measuring in at 9.0 on the richter scale and causing a devastating tsunami which killed tens of thousands and lay waste to hundreds of miles of coastline, Japan is still in an advance state of emergency. Yet...

  • 2011 Chevrolet Volt drive test, March 2011
    Leave Your 2011 Chevy Volt On Overnight? Not Much Bad Happens

    You don't start the engine in a 2011 Chevrolet Volt. Instead, you "power up" the car by pressing a button with the universal computer power symbol on it. Once the Volt has gone through its bootup routine, complete with tones and chimes, the button glows blue and you're ready to roll on electric...

  • Lotus Engineering Range Extender
    Little Lotus Range-Extending Engine For Electric Cars Proves Popular

    Most car buyers haven't even heard the term "range extender" yet. But over time, expect it to become more familiar, as electric cars like the 2011 Chevrolet Volt introduce the concept of a gasoline engine that turns a generator to produce electricity to power the vehicle. Tiny, powerful, efficient...

  • Mini and BMW 1-Series offered through BMW's DriveNow car-sharing service
    BMW: The Newest 'Ultimate Car-Sharing Machine'? Maybe Soon

    Oh, those wacky Germans and their car-sharing schemes. BMW said yesterday that it would launch a pilot car-sharing program, first in Munich and then in Berlin, starting next month. The cooperative venture with Sixt AG will be called DriveNow. BMW says DriveNow will be the "first-ever car-sharing...

  • 2012 Ford Focus Electric launch, New York City, January 2011 - Nancy Gioia

    Ford has just announced that it has chosen telecoms giant AT&T to provide wireless connectivity to its new range of electric and plug-in cars, enabling drivers of its 2012 Ford Focus electric car to remotely interact with their car via an Internet portal or their smart phone. Just like owners of the 2011 Nissan Leaf and 2011 Chevrolet Volt, the remote connection to the 2012 Ford Focus will enable users to check on their car’s state of charge, pre-air condition the car and even schedule charging. In addition, the car’s permanent Internet connection means drivers get real-time...

  • 1947 Tama Electric Car
    (VIDEO): Ancestral Electric Cars: What Came Before the 2011 Leaf?

    We all know about the latest electric cars to come from the likes of Ford, General Motors and Nissan. But while they may be the latest they are certainly not the first. In the first of a series of fun trips back in time, we’re looking at the ancestors of electric cars we see coming to market...

  • 2011 Chevrolet Cruze Eco, New York City, March 2011
    VIDEO: 2011 Chevrolet Cruze Eco, Our Real-World Gas Mileage

    Gas mileage is on absolutely everyone's mind these days. Strife in oil-producing nations, and the associated rising gasoline prices, have already led to a surge of interest in any vehicle's MPG ratings. Now production in Japan (source of most of the world's hybrids) is shut down, at least...

  • Better Place Demonstration Center
    Renault: Electric Car Battery Swapping Too Costly For Now

    If you listen to the enthusiastic founder and CEO of Better Place Shai Agassi, the ability to swap depleted electric car battery packs for fully charged ones at a dedicated swap station is an essential and much-needed part of electric vehicle infrastructure. But while the ultra-fast way of getting...

  • BMW ActiveE Concept
    BMW Looking To Boost MPGs With TwinPower Turbo Three-Cylinder Engines

    Expect to see smaller engines for BMW’s future models, as high fuel prices and greater environmental concerns push automakers towards engines with lower displacements. We’ve already seen this trend with the recent announcement of BMW’s new TwinPower Turbo 2.0-liter four-cylinder...

  • Assembly of Think City electric cars, Elkhart, Indiana, Jan 2011
    Electric Car Factory: Think Sets Up Shop In Indiana, RV-Land

    Quick, name the electric cars currently on sale. Nissan Leaf, Chevy Volt, and ... ummmm ... oh, yeah, Smart Electric Drive. Now name the ones built in the States. Hmmmm. Volt, right? Think about it Yes, but you've missed out on one--in both categories. It's the Think City, which is now being...

  • Evatran Plugless Power

    Let’s face it: going wireless is cool. The humble phone lost its stuffy image when it lost that annoying cable, wireless computing has transformed access to the Internet and unlocking your car with keyless entry beats stumbling around in the dark for the key hole any day. So when software and Internet search king Google was approached by a company offering to unplug its electric car fleet from their charging stations it had to say yes. Installed as part of a test project at Google’s Mountain-view headquarters, the inductive charging system developed by Evatran promises to allow...

  • 2011 Honda Insight
    Chevy Volt Price-Gouging Pushes Buyer Into Honda Insight Hybrid

    For all the media furor over the 2011 Nissan Leaf and the 2011 Chevy Volt, you'd think that tens of thousands of them were flooding onto our streets each month. Not so. As of Feb 28, the total sold between both cars was just 1,102, made up of 928 Volts and 174 Leafs. Now, it may be that those...

  • Porsche 918 Spyder plug-in hybrid supercar
    Winner: $845K Porsche 918 Spyder Is Now World's Priciest Hybrid Car

    We’ve known for some time that Porsche’s 918 Spyder plug-in hybrid concept from the 2010 Geneva Motor Show would eventually enter production but today, more than two years out from its debut, Porsche has announced that the order books have officially opened. We can confirm that the...

  • MINI E at MTTS 2010 in Denver, Colo.
    Are Public Electric Car Charging Points Needed? Not Necessarily

    What comes first? The electric car or the charging point? Of course it depends on who you ask. Generally if you’re an existing electric car owner the answer is likely to be the former. If you’re a government official, prospective electric car owner or automaker the answer is likely to...

  • Kibera slums outside Nairobi, Kenya, by Flickr user Chrissy Olson
    High Gas Prices May Soon Turn Your Lovely Suburb Into A Slum

    Americans rarely think much about zoning, but it governs almost every facet of how we live our lives. And unintended consequences of 50-year-old zoning codes may be about to turn some of our loveliest and quietest suburbs into the next slums. Why? Simply because they've been built too far away from...

  • 2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK
    U.S. Gas Is Too Dirty For Our Best Engines, Mercedes-Benz Says

    We rarely think about what's in our gasoline when we fill the tank, but carmakers have to. Mercedes-Benz has just launched a new direct-injected 3.5-liter V-6 engine in its 2012 SLK model, with an innovative "lean burn" mode that will also be used on a smaller four-cylinder engine. The "Stratified"...

  • Back To The Future II DeLorean - by Flickr user

    Back to the Future may have been right: The cars of tomorrow will be powered by capacitors (they will not, presumably, be able to time-travel). At least, that’s what Tesla CEO Elon Musk said at yesterday’s Cleantech Forum in San Francisco, unleashing a torrent of speculation that the electric car company may be researching capacitor storage. Capacitors are electric devices that can store charges temporarily. They can handle a greater number of charge cycles than batteries, and can provide quick jolts of energy. If Tesla could find a way to use them in conjunction with—and...

  • BYD e6 electric crossover, Electric Avenue, 2010 Detroit Auto Show
    BYD Lines up Electric Car Dealers for Late 2011 U.S. Launch

    Chinese battery firm turned automaker hit the news a couple of times last week for all the wrong reasons. But less than a week after the firm was the center of a major auto scandal it has quietly started to prepare itself for a late 2011 U.S. Launch. So why is a company which previously been...

  • Renault Twizy Z.E. electric vehicle
    For Hire: Where Will Renault’s Exonerated Electric Car Executives Head?

    Renault’s paranoia over industrial espionage backfired earlier this week as it struggled with the reality that it had been duped into believing that three of its executives had been selling electric car secrets to the Chinese. But while Renault/Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn made a formal apology to...

  • 2011 Chevrolet Cruze Eco
    Buyers Seeking Better Gas Mileage Flock To Four-Cylinders In Droves

    While many Americans may still scoff at the idea of driving a reasonably sized car with an engine not much bigger than that found on a motorbike, sales numbers are showing that the tide is starting to turn and this archaic negative perception towards smaller engines may soon alleviate altogether...

  • 2012 Tesla Model S interior, prototype
    Tesla CEO: Model S Will Support Third-party Apps

    Does your car have an app for that? If Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk has his way, it will. The electric-car maker’s CEO said at a conference today in San Francisco that the much-hyped Model S electric sedan will support third-party apps and text-to-voice capabilities. Musk made the announcement...

  • Ford Focus EV - instrument panel
    Running on Empty: The Problem With Electric Car Fuel Gauges

    Just a few months in and we’re already hearing stories of electric car owners getting stranded as their new electric cars ‘suddenly’ run out of power. We’ve already examined the reasons behind why two 2011 Nissan Leaf drivers recently found themselves stranded without...

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